Masuk Daftar

rein in artinya

contoh kalimat "rein in"
  • "A crazed heart, nobody can ever rein in"
    "Hati yang tergila-gila, Tidak ada yang bisa mengekangnya."
  • Got blackout duty. Got to go rein in the crazies.
    Punya tugas pemadaman Pergi rein dia gila
  • Also reined in her neck with tape
    Juga mengekang dalam dirinya leher dengan pita
  • No force can rein in love
    Tidak ada kekuatan yang bisa mengendalikan cinta
  • 'To rein in the crime in Mumbai..'
    'Untuk mengendalikan kejahatan di Mumbai ..'
  • Keep that zoo reined in, huh, babysitter?
    Jaga binatang-binatang itu, ya, pengasuh?
  • It's becoming very hard to rein in Veerendra.
    Susah sekali mengendalikan Veerendra.
  • You rein in your wayward daughter
    Anda mengendalikan anak bandel Anda
  • You go rein in Flipper
    Anda pergi mengendalikan Flipper
  • Exercise And Meditation Rein In Negative Thoughts
    Latihan Dan Meditasi Rein Dalam Pikiran Negatif
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata kerja
  • stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins; "He reined in his horses in front of the post office"
    Sinonim: rein,

  • stop or slow up one''s horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins; "They reined in in front of the post office"
    Sinonim: rein,

  • control and direct with or as if by reins; "rein a horse"
    Sinonim: harness, draw rein, rein,